Although wallpapers can often be replaced, it's hard to avoid looking at static wallpapers. Here's how to set up live wallpapers to make your desktop move.
Although the Windows XP system has been retired for many years, there are still a large number of loyal users in the country. Let's start with it. In fact, Windows XP natively supports dynamic desktops.
Right-click on the desktop space, select "Properties", switch to the "Desktop" tab, click "Browse", find a dynamic GIF picture, click "OK" to return to the desktop to see if it is already moving! The GIF pictures found on the Internet are generally small in size. Selecting "Center" or "Stretch" when setting "Position" may not work well, but choosing "Tile" may have unexpected effects.
If we can't find a GIF animation with the right size, we can also record any video as an animated GIF. Download and install GifCam, open the video you want to record and adjust to the appropriate size, and then start GIFCam, adjust the size of the recording area by dragging the border, click the "record" button to start recording, click "stop" button after the recording is complete , and finally click "Save" to generate the required GIF animation (Figure 1).
The Windows 7 system can use GIF pictures as wallpapers, but it cannot achieve dynamic effects. Although you can't use GIF animations to achieve dynamic desktop effects, by using simple plugins, we can use WMV movies directly as desktop wallpaper to make your system instantly bigger.
Download Windows7-DreamScene, extract it, and run the "Windows7-Dreamscene.cmd" file as an administrator, and the system will be automatically installed. The "Set as Desktop Background" menu will be added to the right-click menu on the WMV file. Click this WMV movie as the desktop background (Figure 2).
Right-click on the blank space on the desktop, will be more "Pause DreamScene" menu, click to pause the dynamic desktop, click on "Play DreamScene" to resume playback (Figure 3).
If you click "Set as Desktop Background", you can solve the problem as follows: Right-click on the desktop blank, select "Personalization", and select "Aero Theme". Then click the "Start" menu, enter the "Control Panel", select "System", click on the "Advanced System Settings" on the left, click on "Settings" in "Performance", click "Let Windows select the best settings for your computer" or "Adjust to the best appearance" (Figure 4).
If you are using a Windows 10 system, you will find that both of these methods fail, but we still have a "curve to save the country" method. Use the VBS script to change the wallpaper regularly to realize the function of live wallpaper.
The first thing we need to do is split the animated GIF. Download and run the gifsplitter program, select the GIF file to be split, set the output directory, click "Start Separation", and exit the program after the separation is completed (Figure 5).
Next open Notepad, enter the following, save as a VBS file.
On error resume next
Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
Pt = "C:\Users\Administrator\Desktop\0.gif.ifl" 'The folder for storing pictures
Setbmpfol = fso.getfolder(pt)
For each files in bmpfol.files
iffso.GetExtensionName(files.path) = "bmp" then bmppt = bmppt&files.path& "|"
Bmppt = left(bmppt,len(bmppt) - 1)
Ifbmppt = "" then
Msgbox "The directory you selected does not contain a BMP image and the program will exit!", 64
End if
Bmpar = split(bmppt,"|")
Set ws = CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
For i = 0 to ubound(bmpar)
Pt = bmpar(i)
ws.RegWrite "HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Control Panel\Desktop\TileWallpaper","0","REG_SZ"
ws.RegWrite "HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Control Panel\Desktop\Wallpaper",pt,"REG_SZ"
ws.RegWrite "HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Control Panel\Desktop\WallpaperStyle","2","REG_SZ"
ws.RegWrite "HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\Advanced\ListviewShadow","1","REG_DWORD" "gpupdate /force",0 "RunDll32.exe USER32.DLL,UpdatePerUserSystemParameters"
Wscript.sleep 100 'Interval for changing wallpapers, ms
If i = ubound(bmpar) then i = -1
The above code can be downloaded and used at It should be noted that the path in the third line of the code "pt = "C:\Users\Administrator\Desktop\0.gif.ifl"" is the location where the picture split in the previous step is stored. The picture must be in BMP format. The 25th line "wscript.sleep 100" is the time interval for wallpaper replacement. The unit is milliseconds. The smaller the value, the faster the replacement, and can be modified according to the actual situation. Double-click on the VBS file to implement the Live Wallpaper feature.
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