911 dispatcher answers phone in Washington DC
(Source: 2013, Jared Soares , Washington Post/Getty Images)
"You may hear a busy tone when you call 911."
This is a study released by researchers at Ben Gurion University in Israel on Friday. If hackers successfully implement the attack plan for the 911 system, the person making the call may only hear the busy tone without interruption. This approach, called blocking service attacks, "is a major threat to the availability of 911 services," researchers Mordechai Guri, Yisroel Mirsky, and Yuval Elovici wrote in their papers .
The researchers observed the state of North Carolina and created a model system based on its 911 system. In the United States, emergency response systems usually operate at the state or local level. If hackers have compromised more than 6,000 smartphone malware through malicious software, they can use North Carolina handsets to create enough harassing phones to block at least half of the 911 systems from making regular calls.
The network of hacked smartphones can be frequently requisitioned, dialing 911 over and over again, which may sound far-fetched. But researchers found that if you consider how many target phones already have such malware, this result is reasonable. They also pointed out that the current system cannot block repeated harassment calls generated by these hacked phones.
According to the Washington Post, researchers shared their findings with the US Department of Homeland Security. However, the Department of Homeland Security did not respond to requests for comment. The agency had issued a warning to prevent the emergency infrastructure from blocking the risk of service attacks.
Trey Forgety from the National Emergency Telephone Association said: "This is not the only denial of service attack that can cripple the 911 system." The non-profit organization focuses on emergency response-related technologies and policies.
“ These problems have already occurred before,†said Fortgety. The solution is to completely change the telephone infrastructure of the 911 system. Stopped using old analog telephone switches for emergency calling and began using a network called IP network management to privately network the network.
But if this is to be achieved, the federal government must invest in the 911 system, and the state government and local agencies are responsible for implementing the emergency response system and training all involved personnel. Fogerty said: "The government has taken measures at all levels."
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