Java sctipt common event summary introduction

Mouse click event


Mouse double click event


Mouse move in event


Mouse removal event


Mouse movement event


Less mouse click event


Less use of the mouse release event

Keyboard event

Execution order: onkeydown → onkeypress → onkeyup.


Press key events (including numeric keys, function keys)


Press key event (only numeric keys included)


Release key events (including numeric keys, function keys)

Form event

(1) onfocus event; get focus triggered event

(2) onblur event; loss of focus triggered event.

(3) onchange event; the event triggered by the selection of the drop-down list item is

(4) onselect event; event triggered when single-line text box text or multi-line text box textarea text

There are 3 elements with focus and lost focus events:

(1) single line text box text;

(2) Multi-line text box textarea;

(3) drop-down list select;

Edit event

(1) copy event oncopy;

(2) cutting event oncut;

(3) Paste event onpaste;

Page related event

(1) onload (load event); onload event indicates the event executed after the document is loaded




(2) onresize (page size event);

(3) onerror (error event);

The onscroll event fires when the element scroll bar is scrolling

addEventListener() method

element.addEventListener(event, funcTIon, useCapture);

The first parameter is the type of event (such as "click" or "mousedown").

The second parameter is the function called after the event is triggered.

The third parameter is a Boolean value that describes whether the event is bubbling or capturing. This parameter is optional.

Note: Do not use the "on" prefix. For example, use "click" instead of "onclick".

Add an event handler to the original element

element.addEventListener("click", funcTIon(){ alert("Hello World!"); });

Add multiple event handles to the same element

element.addEventListener("mouseover", myFuncTIon);

element.addEventListener("click", mySecondFunction);

Add an event handler to a Window object

window.addEventListener("resize", function(){

document.getElementById("demo").innerHTML =sometext;


Passing parameters

element.addEventListener("click", function(){ myFunction(p1, p2); });

removeEventListener() method

The removeEventListener() method removes the event handle added by the addEventListener() method:

element.removeEventListener("mousemove", myFunction);

Basic Physics Experiment Instrument Series

Basic physics experiment instrument series, used in physics laboratories of colleges and universities.

Basic Physics Experiment Instrument,Light And Optical Instruments,Optical Viewing Instrument,Microscope Light Source Instrument

Yuheng Optics Co., Ltd.(Changchun) ,